What Are Residual Disability Benefits?

Residual Disability Benefits are paid to you when you are considered partially disabled. How Do I Qualify for Residual Disability Benefits? There are 3 factors: Loss of Income – When you lose at least 15-20% of your income as a…

Washington State Long-Term Care Payroll Tax

Washington State passed a new law mandating public long-term care (LTC) benefits for Washington residents. It’s the first public program in the U.S. that will be funded by employee wages (payroll deduction). The WA Long-Term Care Trust Act was created…

How to File a Life Insurance Death Claim

If you have a life insurance policy, it’s important for you to talk to your loved ones about it’s details. If it’s still in-force at the time of your death, your beneficiaries can submit a claim with the appropriate documents.…

How Much Does Disability Insurance Cost?

  The cost of an individual disability policy can vary greatly depending on your age, health, gender, occupation, benefit period, benefit amount, waiting period, and policy riders. A general rule is that it will cost between 1 and 3% of…

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